MV "Cap San Diego"

Cap San Diego award


Cap San Diego

This award builds a bridge for radio amateurs between South America and Europe. Furthermore it shows the old shipping route of this vessel. To achieve this award you shall work stations in all the countries being called by this vessel on its regular route. These contacts must be made in CW, SSB, FM, which the former communication modes of this ship. Simultaneously, by the radio amateur station DLØMFH, there is a connection to MF-RUNDE.

The award itself is a four colour certificate 26x19 cm of size made of original seachart paper. On the front page is shown MV "Cap San Diego" together with the logos of the Hamburg Admirality and MF-RUNDE, furthermore it includes the Atlantic ocean and the continents of Southamerica, Africa and Europe, showing the ports of call of this vessel. On the rear you can read the history of this ship and some technical datas.

The Award is valid since 01. January 1987

Modes: CW, SSB, FM single or mixed
Bands: all bands including WARC
Requirements: as follows
(new since 27/09/2014)

 For DL-stations:
 1 QSO with DLØMFH
 3 QSOs with  MF members outside Europe or
 3 QSOs with  MF members of the Cap San Diego crew
 1 QSO each with a station in PA, ON, CX, LU and PY***

 For all stations in Europe except DL:
 1 QSO with DLØMFH
 3 QSOs with MF members with German QTH
 1 QSO each with a station in PA, ON, CX, LU and PY***

 For all stations outside Europe:
 1 QSO with DLØMFH
 3 QSOs with MF members inside or outside Europe
 1 QSO each with a station in PA, ON, CX, LU and PY***

*** as a joker for one of the Southamerican countries, a QSO with an EA8 station is accepted.

For more details please visit the MF homepage www.mf-runde.de


LT last update: 19/03/2019  © dk9os