To commemorate this event we shall temporary be using the special Call sign
GB2BNM from the Bridge Wireless Office
vom 19th October 2010 bis einschliesslich 31th December 2010.
A special QSL card will be printed to confirm all contacts.
GB2BNM qsl card
5th October 2010
Mast Replacement - Much of the upper deck of the ship is currently out-of-bounds to the public and is a hard-hat-area to the working staff whilst the dismantling of the masts takes place. On the port side of HMS Belfast is a large floating crane whose jib towers over the top of the masts. Both masts are encased in scaffolding and on 2nd September, the top fifteen feet or so of the mainmast was removed and the crane lowered it to rest on the port side deck, just aft of the fo'cstle. It is assumed that this will be connected to the new mast.
A photo of HMS Belfast with a barge mounted crane in the foreground
The new masts arrived at Tilbury from SVS Shipyard in St. Petersberg on 31st August
and are due to be installed in late September. Outboard of the floating crane is a
large, shallow draught barge ready to be filled with scrap. The London Group Committee
had suggested to HMS Belfast management that metal from the old masts could be recycled
into mementos and sold to the public, but we have been informed that part of the
contract with the donors of the new masts (the government of Russia) is that the scrap
metal will be shipped to Russia.
19th October 2010
To celebrate HMS Belfast's New Masts and coinciding with the formal dedication ceremony, GB2BNM was today activated for the first time. Having previously arranged a sked with London Group member Fedor RN1NW (LG 636 / RNARS 4263), he replied immediately when called on 20m and so we were QRV for any Russian visitors to the BWO. QSYing to 17m, Fedor was a strong 59 and after being spotted on the cluster, GB2BNM was at the centre of a small pile-up during which time a QSO with another London Group member, Bob N4XAT (LG 626 / RNARS 4783) was also logged. GB2BNM will be active until the end of 2010.
Also visiting the BWO after the mast dedication ceremony was Karl Kramer DG8FZ.
Karl Kramer DG8FZ at BWO
2011 - 2012 will see the 40th anniversary of HMS Belfast's arrival in the pool of London in October 1971.
To commemorate this event we shall temporary be using the special Call sign
GB4ØHMSB from the Bridge Wireless Office
from 1st October 2011 until 31st December 2011 inclusive..
A special QSL card will be printed to confirm all contacts.
GB4ØHMSB qsl card
Some impression around the HMS "Belfast".
more to follow
Easter greeting to all our comrades, it's always nice among friends.
Happy Easter, dear friends
London and HMS "Belfast": I shall return!
Responsible: Hans-Jürgen DK9OS, MF787 RN4636 LG609
last update: 08/08/2011 © dk9os