International Museum Ships Weekend Radio Event





IMW archive


The Museum Ships Event is again sponsered by the BNJARS "The Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station" who decided the following dates and times:

June 07th 00:01z   to   June 08th 23:59z   2025


Ships wishing to participate should send a note to with the name of ship, callsign, location, qsl info and contact info for person responsible.

As every year we do expect the participation of  naval ships, lightships, steamships, research vessel and merchant ships. Several German MF Runde museum ships have already accepted to register their participation at NJ2BB. Among them are the freighter "CAP SAN DIEGO" (DLØMFH), the tug boat "Seefalke" (DKØSN), the submarine "U995" (DLØDMB), the missile corvette "Hans Beimler" (DLØMFN) as well as the Naval Airship Museum station OZØMF and/or 5PØMF from OZ.

All stations that work at least   15  different ships of those participating will receive a certificate if they send a copy of their log entries showing these contacts. Working the same ship on different frequencies DOES NOT count as 2 ships. Certificate is 8.5 X 11". Please either send $3.00 to cover costs or send a large enough envelope with enough postage. Certificates should not be folded.

Send certificate requests to:
Margaret Burgess, KB2BRR
150 Schooner Ave
Barnegat, NJ 08005

All certificate requests must be received by September 30th, 2025.

It may take a while to get certificates mailed as we have to wait for the logs from the ships to come in.


A list of participating ships  is permanently available on the website of  USS "NEW JERSEY" - pse see:


while the amateurs will use any valid amateur frequency the ships will try and stay near the following frequencies:

  3.860 kHz   3.539 kHz
  7.260 kHz   7.039 kHz
negat 10.109 kHz
14.260 kHz 14.039 kHz
18.160 kHz 18.079 kHz
21.360 kHz 21.039 kHz
24.960 kHz 24.899 kHz
28.360 kHz 28.039 kHz
50.160 kHz 50.109 kHz

EVENT PSK 31 OPERATIONS: 14.070 MHz 10.142, MHz 18.100 MHz, 21.070 MHz and 28.120 MHz

Some ships will also be on 3880 - 3885 kHz and 7290 kHz Amplitude Modulation with either their ships original equipment or modern equipment. We are encouraging all the particpating ships, that have the ability, to fire up there original equipment on:

3885 kHz, 3600 & 3625 (in the UK), 3705 (W. Europe), 7290 kHz and 14,286 kHz in the AM mode.

Further more we recommend the usual scene of actions of  MF-Runde or our sister societies (see WetNet). For Updates pse see also homepage of the USS "NEW JERSEY" radio group !



Remark: This is no contest !

All informations without engagement !



IMW 2011 in Laboe

ime11_033    ime11_032    ime11_066

Picking up our english guests and navy port
Kiel + STS "Gorch Fock" + DMB-Scheerhaus

ime11_067    ime11_027    ime11_061

Naval memorial at Laboe and our hosts

ime11_077    ime11_100    ime11_079

DLØDMB aboard U995 at Laboe near Kiel
Action out of the U-Boat


Bob N4XAT with his blue Navy cap


DLØDMB operators in front of U995
Hans-Jürgen DK9OS, Bill GØELZ, Bob N4XAT and Harald DL5XI

ime11_085    ime11_102    ime11_110

Inside and in front of the radio room, in front of the memorial

ime11_120    ime11_126    ime11_137

Inside the memorial and farewell

See you again



LT last update: 20/01/2025  © dk9os